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About us


  • To uphold the principles of Islam as declared in the Holy Quran, the Hadith and Fiqqa; and to strive continuously for the unification of Muslims in Guyana and to propagate the teachings or the religion of Islam to all people of Guyana with the object of promoting peace, love, unity, harmony and brotherhood of mankind.

  • To promote, maintain and foster the educational, social and cultural welfare of Muslim youths in Guyana.

  • To assist in the work of other Muslim organizations in the various parts of Guyana in promoting their interest.

  • This organization shall neither participate in political activities nor affiliate with any political pro or anti government organization but may seek affiliation with any other organization or associations either locally or abroad whose objects are not inconsistent or repugnant to this constitution.

  • To organize and encourage among Muslims at home and abroad all forms of outdoor and indoor games, guiding, scouting and other forms of healthy recreation.

  • To build, acquire, maintain and operate elementary schools, college, and universities, and to accept gifts of our purchase of any movable or immovable property which maybe deemed necessary to promote the work of the Organization.

  • To print and publish newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Organization may think desirable for the promotion of its objects.

  • To solicit aid and donations from general public, and to organize such fund-raising events which are in conformity with the principles of Islam.

  • To do all such other things as are identical or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the organization.

our associates:
Alex Gordon
Imran Ally

MYO Vice-President

Raza Mazarally

MYO Senior Member

Mohamed Rafiudeen

MYO Treasurer

Ralph Khan
Abdool kumar

MYO Member

MYO Secretary/PRO

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